HC MUD 341 Storm Refuse Collection Update

Collection of tree limbs and major refuse at homes by the MUD is approximately 60 percent complete. The restoration process is slower than anyone would like due to very long lines at the disposal sites. The storm is a city wide problem, so contractors are in high demand and the disposal sites are very crowded. This greatly extends the cycle time of our trucks. The HOA is working on the common area clean up with 2 of their normal contractors. The MUD and HOA are in regular communication and both are working hard to return our community to normal.

If you were impacted by the storm, please ensure all major limbs or fencing is placed at the curb for pickup. The MUD’s contractor cannot enter your yard and the length of the collection arm on the trucks has a limited reach, so materials must be at the curb for collection. Small limbs or other trash should be in containers, bags or bundled for collection through normal trash collection procedures.

We extend a special thanks to those residents that have shared their appreciation for our efforts to keep water and sewer service through the power outage and now our trash collection efforts. We will continue to strive to serve you as well as possible in the current circumstances.

Thank you for your patience.

HC MUD 341 Board of Directors

HCMUD 341 – Storm Related Update

Monday’s trash and recycling residential pickup will be normal service.

Collection of major tree limbs in front of homes will begin tomorrow and continue through next week.

Small limbs and small debris that is in bags or containers will be collected on Monday.

Water and sewer services are working effectively. The MUD is running on generators and currently has sufficient fuel with additional fuel deliveries already scheduled if needed.

Thank you for your patience.

MUD 341 Board of Directors

Important Construction Update and Sidewalk Closures

Construction on the eastern side of Turkey Creek (near Lake G) is nearing completion. The contractor will be moving to the western side of Turkey Creek this week.  When work begins on the west side of Turkey Creek, that area will be closed to foot traffic.  The eastern side will remain closed until sufficient clean-up has been completed for safe passage.  Please see the attached map for details.  The temporary walking bridge crossing over Turkey Creek will be reinstalled after the recent rain and will remain open.  For your safety, please do not enter the active construction zone.  The equipment operators cannot see you walking while they are working.  To walk a loop around Turkey Creek, please utilize the temporary bridge crossing near Indian Shores Lane. This will require walking up/down the sides of the creek.  This temporary crossing should only be used with care by fully mobile individuals.  Additionally, walkers can access the southern side of the community (next to the Reservoir) requiring a larger loop leading to the pipeline right of way.

We understand this is inconvenient and changes the walking daily routine for residents.  However, this construction is essential for our community.   We thank you for your cooperation and patience during this time.  If you have any questions, please contact us at www.hcmud341.org/contact.

Harris County MUD 341 Board of Directors