Annual Chlorine Flush

Dear HCMUD 341 Residents:

TNG Utility will conduct its annual free-burn throughout your water system. This process will begin on Tuesday November 1, 2022 and conclude on Tuesday November 8, 2022. The purpose of this process is to circulate water throughout the entire system using Chlorine, including dead end sections that would not get circulation otherwise. It is anticipated that this process will improve taste/quality of your water and should also eliminate odors which occur from time to time. This process may stir up settled colored water and other debris, which is then flushed from the neighborhood hydrants and valves throughout the system. Please note that the water is safe to drink. You may experience colored water during this process, this water is not being created at the water plant; it is caused by the flushing of the system with free chlorine and results in burning the nitrates from the water system. Your MUD receives surface water from West Harris County Regional Water Authority and this process ensures that your system is cleaned from any settled nitrates coming from the surface water received into the district.

The following are some things you may experience:

  • Colored water coming from your faucets when you first turn on the water
  • Colored water coming from your toilets when you flush
  • Pungent smell coming from your water when you turn on your faucets

Helpful tips:

  • Run your faucets 1-3 minutes before using the water
  • Unplug your ice machine / buy ice for consumption
  • Wash your clothes prior to November 1. If this is not possible, in order to avoid potential staining to your clothes, consider using a laundromat (there are ones located on Gessner and on 529) for that 1 week period.   Also run your washing machine through one cycle before washing any clothes. This will help cycle through any unsettled water in the lines from the main line to your house line
  • If you are using a water softener change / clean the filter each week during the process.
  • When you encounter any odor coming from the water. Pouring bleach in the drain will help settle the smell.

Again, please note that TNG will begin the Free-burn process on November 1, 2022. During this time, you will see TNG personnel flushing the system using the fire hydrants and blow off valves located throughout your neighborhood. TNG Utility has experience in this process and utilizes this maintenance in many of our districts that receive surface water. We understand the inconvenience this causes but feel this is a prudent process to continue to provide your community quality water in your homes. TNG appreciates your patience during this process. If at any time during the free burn process you are still experiencing water issues, please feel free to contact TNG Utility at 281-350-0895.

Notice of Public Hearing on Tax Rate

The HARRIS COUNTY MUNICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 341 will hold a public hearing on a proposed tax rate for the tax year 2022 on OCTOBER 10, 2022 at 12:00 p.m. at 1300 Post Oak Boulevard, Suite 2500, Houston, Texas, 77056. Your individual taxes may increase at a greater or lesser rate, or even decrease, depending on the tax rate that is adopted and on the change in the taxable value of your property in relation to the change in taxable value of all other property. The change in the taxable value of your property in relation to the change in the taxable value of all other property determines the distribution of the tax burden among all property owners.

Click here to read the notice.

Construction Announcement

Beginning approximately September 19, Harris County MUD No. 341 will be initiating a rehabilitation project around Lake H which is the lake in the farthest southeastern corner of the neighborhood near the Addicks Reservoir.  The closest streets to this work are Emerald Brook Drive and Millstream Way.

Lake H, and its neighbor Lake G near Turkey Creek, were originally burrow pits for the construction of Beltway 8.  When Lakes on Eldridge community’s developer bought the property, he decided to use a landscape contractor to make these two pits/lakes more attractive instead of rebuilding them to conform to the other lakes in our community.  Lake H’s edges are simply a small concrete edge piece with a thin poured concrete apron.  After 25 years, these edges and the apron are failing and have created some jagged edges and unstable sides in multiple locations.

Lake H’s rehabilitation includes demolition of the decaying concrete around the edge of the lake, re-grading the edges and upper surface, and sodding of the area to provide a smooth grassy surface all the way down to the water.  The project also includes replacement of several drainage pipes that are decaying and have reached the end of their useful life (sizes range from 24” to 66”).  This will leave Lake H with a natural edge.  This is the most common lake edge currently in use by developers around Harris County and the Houston region.

MUD 341 did obtain quotes to make Lakes G and H match the other lakes in our community with concrete walls, but the cost was several million dollars which we did not believe was cost effective.  Natural edge lakes are beautiful and provide quality detention of water.  It is anticipated that work on Lake G will be done in early 2024. Lake G is currently used by the HOA to provide irrigation to a large portion of the community and therefore needs to be rehabilitated separately from this construction.

Construction workers and equipment for the Lake H rehabilitation will be accessing the lake from the cul-de-sac at the end of Emerald Brook Dr.   Please be aware of any traffic congestion in that area and please do not walk around that lake during construction.  Depending on weather conditions, construction will last approximately 90 days.

If you have any concerns or questions, please contact the engineer for the project, Eric Johnson, P.E., with IDS Engineering Group at 713-962-0666 or You can also reach the Board of Directors of MUD 341, all of whom are residents of LOE, at

Thank you for your cooperation.