Beginning this week, HC MUD 341 will begin the replacement of a lake inlet pipe near the intersection of Lakeshore Ridge and Heather Run. The current inlet pipe is metal and has rusted and detached from the drain in that area. Part of the construction process includes damming a portion of the lake to facilitate the installation of the new concrete drain pipe. This is a high traffic area so we ask all residents and resident’s contractors to use caution in this area. The sidewalk will have to be closed adjacent to the work area so please use the sidewalk on the other side of the street. Barring weather delays, the project should be completed within 3 weeks.
The televising project to investigate the interior of our storm sewers and sanitary sewers is slightly over 50 percent complete. You may have seen the Pro Pipe trucks which are doing this work. After the camera work is completed, the MUD will analyze the footage to determine if any replacements are required.
The rehabilitation of the water storage tank at our water plant is approximately 60 percent complete. The MUD completed two of the above ground water storage tanks last year and this will complete the last tank ensuring reliable water supplies in the event of an emergency.
If you have any questions, please contact our engineer Eric Johnson at or 832.590.7224 or 713.962.0666. You may also contact MUD 341 through our website at