West Harris County Regional Water Authority Rate Increase

Beginning in February, you may see a small increase in your water bills.  Harris County Mud 341 is not raising its rates, but West Harris County Regional Water Authority (WHCRWA) has raised their rates $0.25 per 1000 gallons.  This is a separate line item on your bill and is a straight pass through cost.   The fee increase is due to the construction of water supply projects as required by the Harris Galveston Subsidence District groundwater reduction regulations.  More information about WHCRWA. their rates and projects is available at https://www.whcrwa.com/.

If you have further questions, please contact the HC MUD 341 Board of Directors at https://www.hcmud341.org/contact/ or our Operator, TNG Utility Corporation at (281) 350-0895.

Annual Water System Chlorine Flush

HCMUD 341 is conducting the annual chlorine flush of the water system. This process began on November 1, 2021 and will conclude on November 6, 2021. The purpose is to circulate water throughout the district water system using Chlorine, including dead end sections that would not get circulation otherwise. This process may cause your water to be off colored and smell of a higher concentrate of chlorine. HCMUD 341 receives surface water and this process ensures that your system is cleaned from any settled nitrates coming from the surface water received into the district. Please note that the water is safe to drink. We do recommend caution washing clothing that might be impacted by off colored water or a higher concentration of chlorine during this period.

During this time, you will see TNG personnel flushing the system using the fire hydrants and blow off valves located throughout your neighborhood. TNG has experience in this process and utilizes this maintenance in many districts that receive surface water. We understand the inconvenience this causes but feel this is a prudent process to continue to provide high quality water in your homes. We appreciate your patience during this process. If at any time during the free burn process you are still experiencing water issues, please feel free to contact TNG Utility at 281-350-0895.