A hard freeze is currently projected for our area next week.  To avoid damage to your home, we recommend you consider the following:


In previous storms, one of the more vulnerable spots for leaks and bursts was the irrigation systems on residential homes. Below are some basic tips as well as pictures and instructions for irrigation shut off valves and backflow preventors; additionally, residents are always encouraged to consult with an irrigation specialist or plumber.

To reduce the potential for irrigation system issues during and after the freeze, complete the following:

  1. Turn off the shut-off valve. Most residential devices have two shut-off valves. These are typically covered in blue on the valve handles and located before and after the back flow device.
  2. Release the water pressure, with a screwdriver release the water from the bleeder valves. The bleeder valves are usually located under the top of the backflow device. If the water does not stop flowing you may have not shut the valves off completely.
  3. Leave the smaller bleeder valve open, this will let the any remaining water in the line expand without breaking the device.
  4. Insulate your backflow device. Most hardware / home services stores carry backflow insulating supplies.

Attached are pictures of the actual device and insulation covers for backflow devices and faucets.


  • All garden hoses should be disconnected from outside spigots.
  • Make sure to cover all your exposed pipes with a cover. You can also cover your pipes with towels, duct tape or another adhesive strip to ensure they are wrapped tightly.


  • Let your faucets drip throughout the period of freezing temperatures to keep them from freezing.
  • You should also open the cabinets to let warm air circulate throughout your home. Just make sure any harmful chemicals are out of reach for children and pets.


  • If your home is not warm or you suspect the internal pipes could freeze, let water drip from several faucets or shut off the water at the main shutoff valve and open all spigots to drain.  As temperatures rise, leave all faucets open and then open the main shutoff valve to restore water to the home.
  • If you use a portable generator, be certain it is outdoors with good ventilation. Do not use a generator inside, including in your garage.


  • Avoid going outside if it is not necessary. If you do, make sure you layer up from head to toe.
  • To keep you and your family safe, it is imperative your home is warm.
  • Never use your stove or oven to heat your home.
  • While protecting your family, it is imperative to protect your pets as well.
  • Pets, like humans, are vulnerable to cold temperatures. If not taken care of properly, they can succumb to frostbite and even hypothermia.
  • If you have a dog that typically lives outdoors, let them inside when temperatures drop to freezing. While their fur does help to keep them warm, it provides little help in freezing temperatures.
  • If you absolutely cannot bring them inside, make sure they have a warm shelter, plenty of food and fresh water.
  • If your pet looks like it has any symptoms resembling frostbite or hypothermia, call your vet immediately.


  • Bring in all your potted outdoor plants.
  • Determine the freeze tolerance of your plants.  Here is a link for plant hardiness.  https://planthardiness.ars.usda.gov/  Cover any plant that cannot withstand temperatures below freezing.


  • Keep vehicle gas tanks full
  • Have tire pressures checked
  • Keep a phone charger, first aid kit, blankets, and jumper cables in personal vehicles
  • Check local road conditions at www.houstontranstar.org. State highway information is also available at www.drivetexas.org.


  • If you use a space heater, make sure to keep it away from anything that may be flammable including curtains, indoor plants, bedding, etc. Also, do not keep it running overnight and do not keep it running in an unoccupied room. Always turn off space heaters when leaving the room and/or going to sleep
  • Do not power space heaters with extension cords or power strips; do not use power strips or extension cords as an alternative for permanent wiring
  • Never leave a space heater unattended, or a child unattended with a space heater
  • Keep all combustible materials (and people) at least three (3) feet away from space heaters
  • If you use a fireplace, make sure you have a screen to catch any embers that might escape or a rolling log.
  • Never overload outlets or breakers

HC MUD 341 has also taken numerous steps to strive to maintain water and sewer service throughout the freeze event.  Thank you for your attention to these issues.

HC MUD 341 Construction Update – January 6, 2025

Phase 3 of 2024-2025 construction is now beginning on Lake B across from the clubhouse.  As promised Phase 1 was completed before Thanksgiving and Phase 2 before Christmas.  Phase 3 is the largest portion of our project and includes replacement of drainage pipes into the lake and wall replacements. Please see the attached map for specifics.  The drainage pipe replacements are the removal of original metal pipes.  The new pipes are concrete.  The wall replacements are locations where we have wall separation.  The walls around the lake are approximately 5 feet tall and 12 inches thick.  As part of this project we are also removing several cypress trees where the “knees” of the trees are threatening structural integrity to the walls.  These removals are separate from the recent HOA pine tree removals.  The MUD intends to plant 9 new trees as a gift to the community as part of the final clean up of the project.

As you can see on the attached map, this latest major construction will also be done in phases.  Phase 1 and 2 (red and blue) will be on the south side of Lake B.  Because large construction equipment will be involved coupled with the narrow working area, THE SOUTH SIDE OF THE LAKE WILL BE CLOSED TO WALKERS UNTIL THE WORK IS COMPLETE.    The MUD understands this is an inconvenience, but it is for your safety.  Large equipment cannot see or hear you or your pet.  There will be open ditches that also present a hazard.  Signs will be posted notifying you of the closure.  You are welcome to walk on the north side of the lake (the side with the equipment trailer) unless notified otherwise.  We thank you in advance for your cooperation.

This project is part of the MUD’s ongoing efforts to have reliable water, sewer, and drainage.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact any member of the MUD Board directly or through our website at  www.hcmud341.org/contact.

We at HC MUD 341 wish you and your families a very Happy New Year.

HC MUD 341 Construction Update – November 26, 2024

As promised in time for Thanksgiving, construction at Lake E near Waterside Way and Still Harbor is now complete except for very minor clean-up.  The primary inlet was replaced, a section of lake wall was replaced and the area around the lake was completely regraded to achieve greater drainage.   As part of the clean-up, irrigation was installed and/or repaired and the area sodded with grass.

The contractor has begun the move in process at the next phase of work which will be at Lake D.  This lake is located near Shermans Pond, Ridgewood Reef, Lake Shore Ridge and Lake Center Run.  It is south of the clubhouse.   It will also involve the replacement of the major inlet drain and a small section of lake wall.   Today the contractor has relocated equipment and several truckloads of dirt which will be used to create a temporary dam around the area to be replaced.  This temporary dam enables the contractor to perform the construction without having to drain the entire lake.  This phase of the project is scheduled to officially begin December 2 and be completed by Christmas.

We have had a few questions about the large blue “box” near Lake D.  It is a material and equipment trailer that is a necessary part of any major construction project.  We ask your patience and hope you find the Christmas banner makes it at least a little more attractive.

Phase 3 work is scheduled to begin in January which will be at Lake B, the large lake facing the front of the clubhouse.  More information will be sent near the end of December.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact any member of the MUD Board directly or through our website at  www.hcmud341.org/contact.

We at HC MUD 341 wish you and your families a very Happy Thanksgiving.