Voluntary Drought Contingency in Effect

Currently the Houston area is experiencing hotter and drier than normal weather conditions, which have resulted in an increased demand on our water system especially in peak hours.

HCMUD 341 receives water from the WHCRWA and therefore we fall under their drought contingency guidelines.

The West Harris County Regional Water Authority  (WHCRWA) has triggered Stage 1 (voluntary reductions) of its Drought Contingency

Plan due to climate and weather conditions. The Authority has determined it is necessary to trigger Stage 1 in order to facilitate compliance with the Harris Galveston Subsidence District requirements.

Wholesale changes are not required at this time, but little things can go a long way to maintaining water pressure throughout the system.  Please observe to the following drought contingency:

  • If you have an irrigation system, reduce irrigation by 15%  and change your irrigation times to earlier hours  between 10:00 PM. and 5:00 a.m.  This will enhance the effectiveness of your irrigation. Please do not water during the daylight hours, water is lost due to evaporative heat conditions.
  • HOA esplanades need to be watered during the evening time hours as well.
  • Over irrigating is one of the largest sources of overuse in our water supply and causes high water bills. Want to know how long and how much to water? Please see https://www.watermyyard.org/#/Location.
  • Patronize a local car wash instead of doing it yourself in the driveway.
  • Postpone all non-essential water usage such as power washing.
  • Do not drain and refill swimming pools.  Only add water to replace losses from normal use.
  • Drought Contingency Signs will be placed within the district as a reminder.

Water supplies are under stress throughout Harris County.  Small changes in water usage may help us avoid mandated changes that could be imposed on us.  Thank you for your cooperation.

HC MUD 341 Summer Water Usage and Conservation Recommendations

Recently the Houston area has been experiencing hotter and drier than normal weather conditions, which have resulted in an increased demand on our water system especially in peak hours.  While the hot and dry conditions continue, we encourage all residents to be water wise.

Wholesale changes are not required at this time, but little things can go a long way to maintaining water pressure throughout the system.  Here are a few quick tips:

  • Landscape irrigation is the largest demand on our system right now. If you have an irrigation system, change your irrigation times to earlier hours in the morning such as between 1:00 a.m. and 5:00 a.m.  This will also enhance the effectiveness of your irrigation.  A lot of daytime watering is lost due to evaporative heat conditions.
  • Over irrigating is one of the largest sources of overuse in our water supply and causes high water bills. Want to know how long and how much to water? Please see https://www.watermyyard.org/#/Location.
  • Patronize a local car wash instead of doing it yourself in the driveway.
  • Postpone all non-essential water usage such as power washing.
  • Do not drain and refill swimming pools. Only add water to replace losses from normal use.

Water supplies are under stress throughout Harris County.  Small changes in water usage may help us avoid mandated changes that could be imposed on us.  Thank you for your cooperation.